About Baghal

Arki was the capital of the princely hill state of Baghal, which was founded by Rana Ajay Dev, a Panwar Rajput . The state was founded around 1643 and Arki was declared its capital by Rana Sabha Chand  in 1650. The Arki Fort is a converted hotel and lovely to visit.

The Arki Fort was built between 1800 and 1805 by Rana  Prithvi Singh , a descendent of Sabha Chand. The fort was captured by the  Gurkhas  in 1806. Rana Jagat Singh, the ruler of Baghal, had to take refuge in  Nalagarh .


Arki is located in the  Siwalik  range of  Himalaya  mountains. Due to its high altitude, Arki enjoys a pleasant weather in the summers with the temperatures hovering between 26 °C and 32 °C. The winters  temperature ranges between 4 °C and 8 °C. The rainfall is moderate and occurs mainly during July and August.

Sair Fair

The Sair Fair is an annual two-day event held at Arki on sakranti of Ashwin (16/17 September). The fair is famous for  buffalo fights . Local people train their buffaloes for the event. The fair is attended by thousands of people every year. Night programs in this fair are always different and people of Arki enjoy the day a lot.

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